Why is art so interesting

Video- why is art so interesting?

If you could choose between studying and watching a movie, what would you choose? Remember there are no consequences for your choice. Majority of people would choose watching a movie. Some of you might be thinking “what is the relation between art and watching a movie?” To answer your question, first we must know and understand the meaning of Art.

Art is when you represent your message through a different form. Think of it as you translating an English sentence to French so that the people who know French can understand it. Art is also used to represent your emotions when words are not enough to share with people. So this means that when you represent anything which is creative, it is called art. This does not only include paintings but also movies, music, dance and even this sentence which you are reading because all of these forms convey messages that represent the creators’ emotions. Art is a common talent but having the knowledge to perfect it is uncommon.

Now we will be discovering why art is so interesting. One of the answers which I found the most to be fit is because it is relatable. When you are able to relate to something it makes you interested to discover further. It is the same reason why many people find memes so funny. But this is not the only reason. Sometimes art is so abstract that to find the meaning of the message it conveys, is another puzzle. This means that people who love discovering answers find art intriguing too. So the next time you see a from of art, instead of just passing by, stop and understand the meaning because knowing the meaning might just reveal another value for you….

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